







  • 2020年02月20日 12:14
  • SSJ Data Archive


SSJDA: 新規データ公開

1274「コホート研究による発がん要因の評価に関する研究(JACC Study),1988-2009」(玉腰暁子)を公開しました。

  • 2020年02月19日 10:18
  • SSJ Data Archive


所員の発言:近藤絢子「氷河期世代 就労支援だけでは解決遠く」(『産経新聞』2020年2月12日)

『産経新聞』(2020年2月12日)、「氷河期世代 就労支援だけでは解決遠く」に近藤絢子のコメントが掲載されました。

  • 2020年02月14日 07:15
  • ISS Webmaster

研究会案内 イベント案内

第16回山川健次郎レクチャーシリーズ:Isabela Mares on Electoral Corruption and Clientelism ※開催中止

第16回山川健次郎レクチャーシリーズ:Isabela Mares on Electoral Corruption and Clientelism


イェール大学の比較政治経済の第一人者であるIsabela Mares 氏をお招きして、東京大学駒場キャンパスおよび本郷キャンパスにて研究会を開催します。

第1回 駒場キャンパス

第2回 本郷キャンパス


We are pleased to announce the details of the 16th Yamakawa Kenjiro Lecture Series.
The speaker is Isabela Mares, Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science at Yale University.
The two talks will discuss the methodological and empirical aspects of electoral clientelism based on her new book (with Lauren E. Young), Conditionality and Coercion (Oxford University Press, 2019).The talks are open to the public

1. First talk: "How to study electoral irregularities: new advances in theory and measurement"

DATE: March 9th (Mon); 15:30 to 18:00.
VENUE; Collaboration Room 3 at Building 18, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus

OUTLINE: In elections around the world, large numbers of voters are influenced by promises or threats that are contingent on how they vote. Recently, the political science literature has made considerable progress in disaggregating electoral clientelism along two dimensions: first, in recognizing the diversity of actors mediating between candidates and voters and, second, in conceptualizing and disaggregating clientelism based on positive and negative inducements of different forms.
In this talk, I report the results of several studies I conducted that use non-obtrusive survey techniques, such as list-experiments, to measure the presence of clientelistic strategies. I also show how a variety of other survey experiments can be used to measure voters' evaluation of candidates that use various forms of clientelism and help us understand why voters do not always sanction candidates that use illicit strategies.

2. Second Talk: "Democratization after Democratization: How European countries ended electoral corruption"

DATE; March 10th (Tue): 17:30 to 19:30
VENUE; Conference Room 1, ISS Building, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus

OUTLINE: In many European countries, elections during the period following the adoption of universal suffrage displayed remarkably high levels of vote-buying, intimidation and fraud. As voters' electoral autonomy was insufficiently protected, electoral rights were only hollow promises, In this talk, I examine the democratization of electoral practices in several European countries during the 19th century.
I study the introduction of multiple electoral reforms which include legislation that sought to limit vote-buying, lower the ability of candidates to politicize state resources, improve voting technology and protect voter autonomy as well as reforms that limited fraud. Taking advantage of newly digitized historical data, I examine the conditions under which electoral majorities supporting such reforms came about and the relative importance of economic and political changes for the formation of these coalitions favoring electoral change. I conclude by discussing the implications of these successful episodes of democratization of electoral practices for recent democracies today.

This talk is based on Chapter 2 of her recent book (with Lauren Young) Conditionality and Coercion
Please contact <hiwatari "at" iss.u-tokyo> for further information or queries. (Please change "at" to @.)

SPEAKER: Isabela Mares
Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science

Isabela Mares is Professor of Political Science at Yale University. Isabela Mares has written extensively on a range of topics in comparative politics and political economy, including democratization, clientelism and corruption, taxation and fisca
l capacity development, social policy reforms in both developed and developing countries. She is the author of The Politics of Social Risk: Business and Welfare State Development (New York: Cambridge University Press), Taxation, Wage Bargaining and Unemployment (New York: Cambridge University Press); From Open Secrets to Secret Voting: The adoption of electoral reforms protecting voter autonomy (New York: Cambridge University Press) and Conditionality and Coercion: Electoral clientelism in Eastern Europe, co-authored with Lauren Young (forthcoming, Oxford University Press).
She is currently completing a book entitled Democratization after Democratization, which examines the adoption of electoral reforms limiting electoral irregularities in the Western World.

Isabela Mares has received a PhD degree in political science from Harvard University. Prior to coming to Yale, Isabela Mares has been on the faculty of Stanford and Columbia University, and has taught at Sciences Po Paris and the Central EuropeanU
niversity in Budapest. She has held visiting appointments at the Center for the Study of
Democratic Politics at Princeton and the Russell Sage Foundation.

At Yale, Isabela Mares is teaching courses in political economy, welfare state development, democratization and democratic erosion and an interdisciplinary graduate course on Micro-historical Analysis in Comparative Research.

  • 2020年02月14日 06:56
  • ISS Webmaster




  • 2020年02月07日 14:38
  • ISS Webmaster


公募情報:特任研究員(附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター: 国際調査研究分野)

人材公募情報のページに特任研究員(附属社会調査・データアーカイブ研究センター: 国際調査研究分野)の募集情報(応募締切:2020年2月20日必着)を掲載いたしました。

  • 2020年02月07日 14:18
  • ISS Webmaster




  • 2020年02月07日 14:15
  • ISS Webmaster

刊行情報 所員の新著

所員の新著:石田浩・有田伸・藤原翔(編著)『人生の歩みを追跡する』 (勁草書房, 2020年1月)

石田浩・有田伸・藤原翔(編著)『人生の歩みを追跡する 東大社研パネル調査でみる現代日本社会』 (勁草書房, 2020年1月)が刊行されました。詳細、目次は、「所員の著書」のページをご覧ください。

  • 2020年02月04日 15:41
  • ISS Webmaster


SSJDA: 新規データ公開

1294「食育に関する意識調査, 2018」(農林水産省 消費・安全局 消費者行政・食育課)を公開しました。

  • 2020年01月30日 11:16
  • SSJ Data Archive




  • 2020年01月30日 10:21
  • ISS Webmaster
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