2006年12月18日(月)・19日(火)に、東大・CNRS人文社会共同研究プログラム 第2回総合ワークショップが開催されます。
会場:東京大学 社会科学研究所 大会議室
18 December, 2006 (Monday)
Morning |
9:30 | Opening |
13:40 | Session 1 |
Prof. Michio Nitta (ISS/UT) | «Business Types and Human Resource Management in the Japanese Call Centers» |
Dr. Hiroatsu Nohara (LEST) | «Organization Models and Human Resource Management in the French Call Centers» |
10:45 | Coffee Break |
11:00 | Session 2 |
Prof. Hamashita Takeshi (Kyoto University) | «Historical transformation of coastal urban networks in the intra-China Sea region 16-20 Century» |
Dr. Gipouloux (CNRS, Centre Chine, Coree, Japon) | «Shanghai as an international financial centre: potentialities and challenges» |
12:00 | Lunch |
Afternoon |
14:00 | Session 3 |
Prof. Flora Bellone (IDEFI-CNRS) | «Firm Level Analysis : Link Between Exports and Productivity in France and Japan» |
15:00 | Coffee Break |
15:15 | Session 4 |
Dr. Yveline Lecler (IAO/IEP Lyon) | «Clusters initiatives in Japan : transforming the regional industrial agglomerations?» |
Prof. Marukawa Tomoo (ISS, UT) | «A Geographic Approach to the Industrial Agglomerations in Zhejiang, China» |
16:15 | General Discussion |
17:30 | Happy Hour |
19 December, 2006 (Tuesday)
Morning |
10:00 | Session 5 |
Dr. Sebastien Lechevalier ((EHESS and Visiting Researcher at the faculty of economics of Tokyo university) | «Collaborative R&D in the robot technology in Japan : an inquiry based on patent data analysis (1991-2004)» |
Discussant : Prof. Hiroshi Ohashi (Faculty of Economics, UT) |
Dr. Natacha Aveline (CNRS representative in Tokyo) | To be anounced. |