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2020年度の社研サマーセミナー ※開催中止
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- 2020年06月16日 14:54
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- 2020年04月01日 15:41
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- 2020年03月26日 11:52
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Karen Nakamura氏(カリフォルニア大学バークレー校)講演会のご案内(2020.3.25) ※開催中止
The development of artificial intelligence / machine learning (AI/ML) systems has accelerated rapidly in the last decade. Now, very few of us are not in contact with AI systems on a daily basis - whether on an intimate basis with Siri, Google, Alexa or more abstractly through some of the AI/ML systems that drive modern commerce. However, while the AI/ML system was initially driven on the promise of greater access -- especially to people with disabilities -- the reality is that the newest iterations of AI/ML risk excluding disabled and other marginalized populations even further. From health evaluations to job screenings, from automated pedestrian detection to automated passport lanes, technologists, social scientists, bioethicists, legal experts, and members of marginalized communities will need to work together to chart the appropriate frameworks for the new deployments of these technologies.
Professor Karen Nakamura is a cultural and visual anthropologist at the University of California Berkeley. Her first book was titled Deaf in Japan: Signing and the Politics of Identity (2006). Her next project resulted in two ethnographic films and a monograph titled, A Disability of the Soul: An Ethnography of Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in Contemporary Japan (2014). She is currently working on the intersections of transsexuality and disability politics in postwar Japan as well as a project on disability, technology, and access especially in the context of Artificial Intelligence (AI/ML).
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第16回山川健次郎レクチャーシリーズ:Isabela Mares on Electoral Corruption and Clientelism ※開催中止
The speaker is Isabela Mares, Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science at Yale University.
VENUE; Collaboration Room 3 at Building 18, University of Tokyo, Komaba Campus
In this talk, I report the results of several studies I conducted that use non-obtrusive survey techniques, such as list-experiments, to measure the presence of clientelistic strategies. I also show how a variety of other survey experiments can be used to measure voters' evaluation of candidates that use various forms of clientelism and help us understand why voters do not always sanction candidates that use illicit strategies.
2. Second Talk: "Democratization after Democratization: How European countries ended electoral corruption"
VENUE; Conference Room 1, ISS Building, University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus
I study the introduction of multiple electoral reforms which include legislation that sought to limit vote-buying, lower the ability of candidates to politicize state resources, improve voting technology and protect voter autonomy as well as reforms that limited fraud. Taking advantage of newly digitized historical data, I examine the conditions under which electoral majorities supporting such reforms came about and the relative importance of economic and political changes for the formation of these coalitions favoring electoral change. I conclude by discussing the implications of these successful episodes of democratization of electoral practices for recent democracies today.
Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science
l capacity development, social policy reforms in both developed and developing countries. She is the author of The Politics of Social Risk: Business and Welfare State Development (New York: Cambridge University Press), Taxation, Wage Bargaining and Unemployment (New York: Cambridge University Press); From Open Secrets to Secret Voting: The adoption of electoral reforms protecting voter autonomy (New York: Cambridge University Press) and Conditionality and Coercion: Electoral clientelism in Eastern Europe, co-authored with Lauren Young (forthcoming, Oxford University Press).
She is currently completing a book entitled Democratization after Democratization, which examines the adoption of electoral reforms limiting electoral irregularities in the Western World.
niversity in Budapest. She has held visiting appointments at the Center for the Study of
Democratic Politics at Princeton and the Russell Sage Foundation.
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10月29日に現代中国研究拠点セミナーシリーズ(第46回) 「Can Sino-Russian territorial dispute settlement be an example for Russia and Japan?」を開催いたします。詳細は現代中国研究拠点ウェブサイト活動状況をご覧ください。
- 2019年12月25日 13:50
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東大ーバークレー戦略的パートナーシップ Alison Post氏(UCバークレー)講演会のご案内
日時: 2019年12月10日(火)18時00分-19時30分
場所: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 赤門総合研究棟 549室
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 赤門総合研究棟 549室
UTokyo-Berkeley Strategic Partnership
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